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let us

  • 121 run wild

    (to go out of control: They let their children run wild; The garden was running wild.) ξεφεύγω από κάθε έλεγχο

    English-Greek dictionary > run wild

  • 122 say

    [sei] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - says; verb
    1) (to speak or utter: What did you say?; She said `Yes'.) λέω
    2) (to tell, state or declare: She said how she had enjoyed meeting me; She is said to be very beautiful.) λέω
    3) (to repeat: The child says her prayers every night.) λέω
    4) (to guess or estimate: I can't say when he'll return.) προβλέπω
    2. noun
    (the right or opportunity to state one's opinion: I haven't had my say yet; We have no say in the decision.) δικαίωμα λόγου
    - have
    - I wouldn't say no to
    - let's say
    - say
    - say the word
    - that is to say

    English-Greek dictionary > say

  • 123 season

    ['si:zn] 1. noun
    1) (one of the main divisions of the year according to the regular variation of the weather, length of day etc: The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter; The monsoon brings the rainy season.) εποχή
    2) (the usual, proper or suitable time for something: the football season.) περίοδος,σεζόν
    2. verb
    1) (to add salt, pepper, mustard etc to: She seasoned the meat with plenty of pepper.)
    2) (to let (wood) be affected by rain, sun etc until it is ready for use.)
    - seasonal
    - seasoned
    - seasoning
    - season ticket
    - in season
    - out of season

    English-Greek dictionary > season

  • 124 set down

    ((of a bus etc) to stop and let (passengers) out: The bus set us down outside the post-office.) κατεβάζω

    English-Greek dictionary > set down

  • 125 set off

    1) ((sometimes with on) to start a journey: We set off to go to the beach.) ξεκινώ
    2) (to cause to start doing something: She had almost stopped crying, but his harsh words set her off again.) κάνω να ξαναρχίσει
    3) (to explode or ignite: You should let your father set off all the fireworks.) ανάβω

    English-Greek dictionary > set off

  • 126 share

    [ʃeə] 1. noun
    1) (one of the parts of something that is divided among several people etc: We all had a share of the cake; We each paid our share of the bill.) μερίδιο,μερτικό
    2) (the part played by a person in something done etc by several people etc: I had no share in the decision.) συμμετοχή,συμβολή
    3) (a fixed sum of money invested in a business company by a shareholder.) μετοχή
    2. verb
    1) ((usually with among, between, with) to divide among a number of people: We shared the money between us.) μοιράζω
    2) (to have, use etc (something that another person has or uses); to allow someone to use (something one has or owns): The students share a sitting-room; The little boy hated sharing his toys.) μοιράζομαι
    3) ((sometimes with in) to have a share of with someone else: He wouldn't let her share the cost of the taxi.) συμμετέχω,μοιράζομαι/συμμερίζομαι
    - share and share alike

    English-Greek dictionary > share

  • 127 ship water

    ((of a boat) to let water in over the side: The boat shipped water and nearly capsized.) μπάζω νερά

    English-Greek dictionary > ship water

  • 128 sit back

    (to rest and take no part in an activity: He just sat back and let it all happen.) μένω αμέτοχος

    English-Greek dictionary > sit back

См. также в других словарях:

  • let — let·o·vic·ite; let·ta·ble; let·tered; let·ter·er; let·ter·et; let·ter·gae; let·ter·less; let·ter·man; let·tic; let·tre; let·tuce; lobe·let; lord·let; lor·i·let; lu·nu·let; mag·a·zine·let; man·tel·let·ta; mart·let; mil·let·tia; miq·ue·let;… …   English syllables

  • Let — Let, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Let} ({Letted} (l[e^]t t[e^]d), [Obs].); p. pr. & vb. n. {Letting}.] [OE. leten, l[ae]ten (past tense lat, let, p. p. laten, leten, lete), AS. l[=ae]tan (past tense l[=e]t, p. p. l[=ae]ten); akin to OFries. l[=e]ta, OS.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Let — Let, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Let} ({Letted} (l[e^]t t[e^]d), [Obs].); p. pr. & vb. n. {Letting}.] [OE. leten, l[ae]ten (past tense lat, let, p. p. laten, leten, lete), AS. l[=ae]tan (past tense l[=e]t, p. p. l[=ae]ten); akin to OFries. l[=e]ta, OS.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • let*/*/*/ — [let] (past tense and past participle let) verb 1) [T] to allow something to happen, or to allow someone to do something Alice s mum won t let her come with us.[/ex] I stepped back and let him pass.[/ex] The large windows let in a lot of… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Let It Be — Студийный альбом The Beatl …   Википедия

  • let — [let] verb let PTandPP letting PRESPART [transitive] PROPERTY also let out to allow someone to use a room or building in return for rent …   Financial and business terms

  • let — Ⅰ. let [1] ► VERB (letting; past and past part. let) 1) not prevent or forbid; allow. 2) used in the imperative to express an intention, proposal, or instruction: let s have a drink. 3) used to express an assumption upon which a theory or… …   English terms dictionary

  • let — let1 [let] vt. let, letting [ME leten < OE lætan, to leave behind, akin to Ger lassen < IE * lēd < base * lēi , to neglect, leave behind > LATE, L letum, death] 1. to leave; forsake; abandon: now only in phrases let alone or let be or …   English World dictionary

  • let — ● let adjectif invariable (anglais let, de to let, laisser) Au tennis et au tennis de table, se dit d une balle de service qui touche le sommet du filet et retombe dans les limites du court ou sur la table et dans le camp adverse. (Une balle let… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Let Go — Álbum de estudio de Avril Lavigne Publicación 21 de junio de 2002 …   Wikipedia Español

  • let — vb let, let·ting vt 1: to offer or grant for rent, lease, or hire: lease may not be alienated, let, or encumbered corporeal things may be let out 2: to assign esp. after bids were att …   Law dictionary

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